Radiology Course

This course aims for a better understanding on how to make diagnostic head X-rays and how to interpret them. What are indications for X-ray examination as well as pitfalls and limitations of this imaging technique?

04/05/2022 - 05/05/2022

Speakers: Dr. T. Lundström (S), DVM W. Demey (B), DVM S. Teysen (B).

This is a 2-day course organised under the wings of the Nordic College of Equine Dentistry (NCED).


Limited number of participants (15) as this is a highly interactive hands-on workshop.

Price1295 euro pp. excl. VAT. Coffee, breaks and lunch and diner included.

For more information; contact us at 

Dr. Torbjörn Lundström (Chairman NCED) – Djurtandvardskliniken, Söderköping, Sweden

DVM Wouter Demey (FNCED) – Dierenartsenpraktijk Equide, Schaffen, Belgium

DVM Stijn Teysen (FNCED) – Dierenartsenpraktijk Vetrident, Asse, Belgium


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